Two cats and a donkey

Two cats and a donkey
A long time ago, in a little sunny and dusty town in Ro: Braila, The Chat stumbled upon a cat in a display window; to the cat's left, the sign says "We dye clothes"; the Chat has a toy-donkey in its right paw and smiles deviously at the cat; the cat enjoys a rare spring-sun behind a window one can't see in the picture; another lifetime.

jeudi 4 novembre 2010

Another Day in Paradise

I don't quote songs because they're famous, although the pattern I seem to follow points in that direction. It just so happens that random, popping-in-my-head fragments of lyrics define better than I could the gist of some of my day. Although lately every day is just another day. I'm tempted to blame it on the rain and grisaille of Paris, but come on... we're talking about Paris here, everything is brighter, better and sweeter, despite the season.

This morning, my most recent and temporary boss did a good deed and drove me to a Préfecture for a working permit. We acquired no such thing, as the bureaucracy is nowhere stronger than in France - or so the natives say. However, my boss managed to lock herself out of her car. And half an hour later, her husband was trying to break into said car, as the key he had brought was bent and thus out of order. I was surprised to see that both the firemen and the police drove past us and didn't stop, although
her husband's efforts were quite obvious - he even picked up a metallic bar and tried to pry the door open.

Meanwhile, as the good-for-nothing that I am, I was busy remembering the first time I came to Paris, with a group of fellow students and one of the best teachers the world ignores. We took a - not surprisingly - group walk on the quais de la Seine and never made it to the E-tower. This is my fourth time here and I'm still ignoring this modern and even revolutionary piece of architecture. Maybe I should make a manifesto out of it - declare not that I don't have enough money to climb it (hélas, a thourough view of Paris is just as financially demanding as life here), but that I do not want to do it, considering my architectural and artistical beliefs. Chm chm. Cue bow tie and moth-eaten garnments.

In retrospect, the 1st times are indeed idyllic. Years ago, during my very first visit to this city, it was autumn also, like today, only warmer and with more leaves. I was thinking this morning that I always seem to see this city at its worse, raining and cold - would it be so magnificent, but for the name to cover up ugly buildings and shitty actions?
Needless to say, the Paris night is now also warm and with a clear sky, just to spite me. And yes, it is such a beautiful city - but aren't all cats grey at night?

FYI, there are 2 cities in Canada, one in Kiribati, and 23 in all of the United States
named after Paris or variations of it (FMI:

Le Chat bows and retires :p

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