Two cats and a donkey

Two cats and a donkey
A long time ago, in a little sunny and dusty town in Ro: Braila, The Chat stumbled upon a cat in a display window; to the cat's left, the sign says "We dye clothes"; the Chat has a toy-donkey in its right paw and smiles deviously at the cat; the cat enjoys a rare spring-sun behind a window one can't see in the picture; another lifetime.

jeudi 4 novembre 2010


It's a language spoken in South Africa and Namibia and has dutch origins. It's also the only one, so far, in which the word "seekat" exists - it means "octopus". I am so proud of my double origin - feline and molluscian - and I'm not even broaching the ambigous image of the octopus itself, the eight-legged quite intelligent cephalopod.

Links - with no intention of copyright infringement:

Well, speaking of exotic animals, the recent update of an old picture of the Chat reminded me of a few days spent in a little Romanian town on the Danube, Braila; it was spring, I think, about seven or eight years ago; it was the first time I bought guitar strings - good ones, even, I've been told - that would later (about five years later) become a gift for a friend's friend. I remember clearly the dust and a bit the heat, the fact that we once travelled on the bus with other members of the Chordata phylum, namely a pig and some chickens ';, and the ambiguities of the intra-gender friendships (I mean come on, we hold hands, platonically, I guess, and have in-depth conversations one day and no e-mails the next?! I felt quite... used, which is totally humiliating for Felines. Luckily for me, I seem to respond better to inter-gender relationships...). To wrap up the latest trip down memory lane, I shall clarify that I was participating in a french language national competition and that the results were neither catastrophic, nor satisfying. Just like every other day...

Hélas, inexistent reader of mine, I too wonder were my joie de vivre went. Pe apa Simbetei, as a Romanian saying goes - litteraly, with the waters of Saturday. Hm, it must also be caused by lack of chocolate.

The Chat stretches and lazily closes its long-lashed intensely green eyes. Purrr...

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