Two cats and a donkey

Two cats and a donkey
A long time ago, in a little sunny and dusty town in Ro: Braila, The Chat stumbled upon a cat in a display window; to the cat's left, the sign says "We dye clothes"; the Chat has a toy-donkey in its right paw and smiles deviously at the cat; the cat enjoys a rare spring-sun behind a window one can't see in the picture; another lifetime.

samedi 8 janvier 2011

First real post of January

I just wanted to say - complain rather - that I am one of those types. The ones that want more of a good thing although the saying goes that too much of a good thing is not really so good. For instance, sleep in the morning, chocolate, internet, and coffee. Youth, time, well, just about everything I enjoy, so instead of enjoying it I am looking for ways of acquiring more. Which is not healthy, you can give it to me - not to mention it is not possible, in some cases. Unless I find a rich vampire that would take a liking to me or that youth-and-wealth fountain, you know, the one about which everyone dreams once in a while...

It is strange how certain gestures can lead to intimacy. I am thinking about the old lady I am presently caring for. I find myself taking her hand or smoothing her hair, like I would my own grandmother or child - just because I am also feeding and bathing her. Catering for one's such basic needs generates an interesting type of closeness, that grows from gestures and touches, as opposed to how things usually go (from intellectual or sentimental closeness to the physical one). Or maybe I am waaaay too lonely.

The Chat is not chatty tonight. He sips at his coffee and would rather go back to reading fanfic. Which he actually does.

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