Two cats and a donkey

Two cats and a donkey
A long time ago, in a little sunny and dusty town in Ro: Braila, The Chat stumbled upon a cat in a display window; to the cat's left, the sign says "We dye clothes"; the Chat has a toy-donkey in its right paw and smiles deviously at the cat; the cat enjoys a rare spring-sun behind a window one can't see in the picture; another lifetime.

mardi 21 décembre 2010


Although the following ramblings constitute the first post of 2011, I should specify I wrote them in December.

I saw the sweetest thing the other day, while hunting for chocolat bio in a supermarket in Le Marais - a guy in his late twenties perhaps grabbed a pack of menstrual pads from a very famous mark. He was all alone, from what I could tell (no girlfriend-buffer when paying at the checkout), and so he's either a transsexual or a very nice boyfriend (I obviously went with option no 2, being the helpless romantic all cats are, deep deep down... somewhere... when nobody's looking... Yeah.). Am I too jaded if I consider such a gesture hors du commun?

A few days later...
I'm listening to Kings of Leon. More jaded than ever, albeit melancholically hopeful. I've received a few messages from family'n'friends, holidays and all - I've yet to respond, but this simple fact (man, who hasn't seen or forgotten "You've Got Mail"? one of the must movies , between Ryan, Hanks and the ever eluding, but existent - somewhere - perfect love...), of being the recipient of some mail, gives me this warm feeling spreading from my stomach upwards.

So now I'm responding with equally good wishes and merry stuff - I usually give them the holy three, good health, love and joy; as far as Lenu is concerned, the first thing that comes to mind and should be intended for her is love, I'm wishing her all the in the world, as it is the one thing she looked for and never found, I'm afraid. Gosh, I'm so cheerless, I'm gonna hafta agree with Waits'n'Murphy on Xmas spirit - "The bottle is empty
The sleigh has a flat
The stripper in my bed is ugly and fat
Her tassels are tangled and what's worse
My jingle won't jangle "

And to keep up with stolen lines, a quote from Le Placard by Francis Veber, no copyright infringement intended.

Belone : Le chat est parti.
Pignon : Où ça ?
Belone : Je sais pas, il m´a pas laissé d´adresse !


So yeah, The Chat is gone without leaving an adress... but Paris isn't so big. If one walks long enough, one can end up in the same streets.

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